Foundation cemented in friendship

Posted in Family on July 31, 2009 by theplanner09



“A friend is one to whom one may pour out all the contents of one’s heart, chaff and grain together, knowing that the gentlest of hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away.”

 This blog will chronicle the portion of my life that I hold dear (F3-Family, Food & Fun). After 34-years of living, I finally get it! Life is meant to be lived amongst and with others, always sharing of yourself. I have been blessed to have a core set of friends who have loved me, the good and also not so good parts for over 19-years. Time has been forgiving and grace has abound in each of our lives, “we know each other’s struggles” and in those struggles we have felt an array of emotions toward each other. Love, anger, laughter, bewilderment, joy, selfishness, redemption and sharing but through it all we “all” come back together stronger than before. Our friendship will last forever and this blog will give you a small view into our world. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy my loved ones…..

Disciplined and Beautiful

Posted in Family on August 8, 2009 by SoJo

meandmoeThe time is right
I’m gonna pack my bags
And take that journey down the road
Cause over the mountain I see the bright sun shining
And I want to live inside the glow….

The Summer of Sojourner officially began yesterday with a trip to Stone Mountain. It’s funny. As I stood just about 3/4 of the way up, I stopped and took pictures of the Atlanta skyline. I knew that the steepest part of the mountain was ahead of me and I needed to take a second to breathe…and pray. I closed my eyes and inhaled. As I inhaled, I asked God to help me this summer as I would begin to replinish my spirit.

I asked Him to forgive me for allowing myself to become so spiritually dehydrated…and to help surround me with people that would refill my spirit and lead me in the right direction. I prayed for wisdom and discernment. The strength to purge when need be and absorb when necessary.

I wanna go to a place where I am nothing and everything
That exists between here and nowhere
I wanna go to a place where time has no consequences oh yeah
The sky opens to my prayers

And then I exhaled….opened my eyes…smiled…and turned to take a picture of myself. All of a sudden, I felt this burst of energy. I felt absolutely golden. As I prepared myself to run up the steepest part of the mountain – I literally ran smack dab into my friend, Moe.

Moe is the type of person that you fall in love with immediately. His personality is so warm and engaging…but more importantly, he’ll hit you with a scripture or a profound message in a heartbeat. I hadn’t seen Moe in over a year – at my best friend Eric’s baby shower – but we met up briefly the previous week during my Memorial Weeked outing with Eric and Tarchell.

I wanna go to beautiful, beautiful, beautiful,
I wanna go to beautiful, beautiful, beautiful,
I wanna go to beautiful, beautiful, beautiful,
I wanna go to beautiful, beautiful, beautiful,

As we quickly caught up, I told him about how I was trying to eliminate and concentrate. And that some people in my life were going to find themselves on the outside because I don’t have anything left to give them. But how I wanted to pull those who were truly meant to be in my life closer. We exchanged numbers again and talked about keeping in touch.

Please understand
That its not that I don’t care
But right now these walls are closing in on me
I love you more than I love life itself
But I need to find a place were I can breathe
I can breathe

I can’t lie. When we hugged and went our separate ways, I thought that it would be like it always was. While every time I see him, I feel like his spirit is akin to one of my ‘Cell Therapy’ folks, I didn’t think that I’d see him for another year or two. I love all of my friends, but because I’m ‘eliminating and concentrating’, I didn’t see myself putting forth the effort to maintain another friendship. And then without even thinking, twice in a 7 day period here we are.

Turns out, he’s a regular at Stone Mountain (as I am about to be). And he’s going to help me get myself together physically, since he’s a trainer. And I hope that during our runs *gulp*, I’ll be able to absorb some of that spiritual energy that he exudes so effortlessly. Sometimes, I love just listening to people talk because I’m able to go back when I’m alone and pull certain things that they say and incorporate them into my life.

I wanna go to a place where I can hold the intangible
And let go of the pain with all my might
I wanna go to a place where I’m suspended on ecstasy
Somewhere between dark and light
Where wrong becomes right

I love how God confirms the presence of people and things that I’m supposed to draw from at various points in my life. Call me silly, but I see the hand of God in EVERYTHING. And when I’m at my weakest points, where I may not trust my own judgment I always ask Him to send me a sign. And He always does – whether its a person, a song, a phrase, or sometimes even His own voice.

I wanna go to beautiful, beautiful, beautiful,
I wanna go to beautiful, beautiful, beautiful,
I wanna go to beautiful, beautiful, beautiful,
I wanna go to beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

I’m in a beautiful place in my life right now. One where I am completely open to wherever God takes me and one in which I have come to appreciate the true value of friendship and the purpose of people in my life. I am wise enough to find the lesson in those there for a reason, respect the ones only meant for a season and cherish those that are meant to remain for a lifetime. Finding kindred spirits is always a beautiful thing.

Mmmmmmm… beautiful…

~Beautiful by India.Arie~

And When God Blesses Us…

Posted in Family on August 8, 2009 by SoJo

jamalandsalim‘…I want a Lexus…and hideaway mansion in the Hamptons….’

~Angie Stone and Anthony Hamilton~

Ok, so my Honesty Box ??? asked what character in a movie did you relate to and why? Ever since Friday, I’ve been relating myself to Latika’s character in Slumdog Millionaire – much to the shock and embarrassment of Tarchell.

**Her outburst at 3AM in a random IHOP @ an undisclosed part of town was ‘But she’s a HOOKA!’, followed by our newfound friend and Brutha To the Night, Saint, who said in his East Coat accent, “Yeah, ma…shorty was a prostitute.” They don’t get it, so let me explain.

The three main characters (Jamal, his older brother Salim, and their friend Latika) represented The Three Musketeers – people whose lives seemed to be so random apart, yet inexplicably tied in destiny. The way they related to each other was totally the way that the three of us do. Kinda like hot water, grits and butter. You look at each ingredient like yeah…ok…whateva…but when they come together? Damn!

So for those of you who know her, you guessed it! Tarchell…is Slumdog Millionaire. Not only is she just the person to end up in a place like ‘Who Wants to Be a Millionaire’ with no rhyme or reason (with a crazy look on her face lol) – while people scratch their heads in amazement but she’ll get ALL of the answers right. Not because she’s read every book or mastered the teachings of the universe, but simply because she listens to God and somehow just KNOWS.

Eric (for anyone who has ever been apart of his capers) …is Salim. Salim is the eldest…and sometimes an unsavory type dude. You can’t help but want to simultaneously hug and shake the shit out of him. What people don’t realize is that he carries the weight of being the ‘father figure’ on his shoulders. He seems to pull it off with swag light-skinned Morris Chestnut-ishness (c) Jhmeid, 2009, but sometimes you don’t realize just how heavy that load is. While you may not agree with his path, rest assured that he loves his family and if pushed against the wall will make the ultimate sacrifice.

And me? Well, hell I’m Latika. All my life, I’ve been drawn to the two of them. And they’ve been really the only family that I know. Every experience that I’ve had (good or bad) I’ve either directly experienced with them at my side or they’ve gone thru identically in a parallel universe.

When they were kids and Salim locked Jamal in the outhouse so that he couldn’t get her picture autographed? Yep. I could TOTALLY see Eric doing that to Tarchell . Not only that, I could see Tarchell thinking that her only way out was to jump into that huge pile of shit holding the picture above her head.

And when she finally ran through the crowd, covered in shit and actually GOT the autograph? Just like Salim, Eric would steal and sell it for 50 cents – while giving her a look like “What did you expect? Why are you yelling?”.

If you’re reading, my dear friends, do you both remember the mountains, the rollercoaster (whee!!!) and Eric destroying Tarchell’s transmission – followed by Eric’s “I really don’t know what you’re upset about. It’s a car. It can be fixed. Holding in all of that anger while giving me hostile looks is unhealthy.” 🙂

I could also see myself, the day all of their parents were slaughtered standing in the rain while they were hiding in the alley for shelter waiting to be invited to join them. It didn’t matter that she was getting soaked, looking pigeon-toed and foolish. Latika was just like me. In the midst of a crisis, even when I see people that may be able to help – I choose to stand alone…and wait. True to form, Eric would take a peek, grumble like Salim and fall asleep – while Tarchell would beckon me over, to join them as their sister.

About that ho stuff. Yes, there were a chain of events that happened to put Latika in a position that she was trapped in – one of which being separated from the two of them… her foundation. Just like when that happens to me, she gave up and accepted her fate, but couldn’t see her destiny. Latika didn’t know that in that moment, in a parallel universe Jamal was still looking for her. The same way that whenever I’m going thru my day to day drama, Tarchell is somewhere searching for me. Never giving up, never would.

And even after everything. The laughs. The sense of emotional security with each other. The betrayal. The maturation into adulthood. The separation. After everything is everything, their lives come full circle and fold into each other.

Jamal needs a life line. He calls Salim. Latika needs an escape. Salim helps her, while giving up his own life. Jamal reaches Latika and while she doesn’t have the answer – she gives him the emotional balance to close his eyes, trust God and KNOW. At the end of it all, when they finally meet back up, Jamal sees Latika for who she is in her core – when they were kids, at the point where they all began to lose their innocence and naivety. They see and know each other. And all bullshit aside, that’s really the only thing that they’ve ever really needed. Same goes for the three of us.

So yeah, I’m Latika…and my destiny will always be tied to my Jamal and my Salim. If, like in the movie, It is written…I can’t imagine it being any other way.

**~An excerpt from my memoirs entitled “ATL Shawty: The Yeek! Chronicles”~

No Mas Cantina = No Bueno! *DEAD on Mexican comida*.

Posted in Food on July 31, 2009 by theplanner09

No Mas Cantina = No Bueno! *DEAD on Mexican comida*.

Ri-RiRandy Pierre at first glance struck me as kind of an odd name for such a beautiful woman but after further inspection I understand why such a bold name was bestowed upon this vivacious, fun, down-to-earth New York girl from the block.  No Mas! Cantina was the gathering place for old friends and two new ones to laugh and enjoy “something disguised as food”. As you all know I LOVE FOOD, but I can’t even give a food critique of No Mas! Cantina, let’s just say No Mas Cantina = No Bueno! *DEAD on Mexican comida*.

The fellowship was a refreshing moment for all of us from the hustle of everyday life. We came together in the name of drinks and friendship and along the way met Ri-Ri and DG. I love it how without words, explanation or advance warning we embrace those people who our friends love. Without any need to know background, we trust our friend’s judgment and enfold those they love with love also.